Feel at home...

This blog serves as my public diary. I'll post stuff here that I would want to refer back to as the years pass. ^_^

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

EASY Hoisin Shrimp... Mmmm!

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 I was debating whether my first post should be about cosmetics or food. And, as you can see, food won! =p My cousin, Vinjo, also wanted something more "manly" in my blog, so I told him not to despair.

Now... I posted this HOISIN SHRIMP dish on my FB and people seem to salivate at the looks of it. So I decided I should share the recipe. It is SUPER easy and can be found at the back part of Lee Kum Kee's Hoisin Sauce jar. Only, of course, I like to make my own version of almost every dish. So here's the yummier version:

1. Heat oil in a wok/frying pan + Stir fry 3 cloves minced garlic, 6 bits of shaved/minced ginger, & 1 lb of shrimp for 3 mins.
2. Add 2 tbsp. Hoisin Sauce & 1 tbsp. Oyster-Flavored Sauce. Put more if you want it saucy!
3. Stir fry the whole thing and cover the pan until the shrimp is fully cooked.
4.  Take out from heat and sprinkle ground black pepper + paprika liberally on the cooked shrimp!
*Add cilantro garnish or diced green/red peppers, if you like.

And that's it! Cheap & yummy. ^_^ For better tasting shrimp, I suggest keeping the head on coz then you can suck all the juicy goodness out of it. But if you're like my bf, who thinks the shrimp's head is pleading to him with a don't-eat-me look, then take off their heads. >.< Enjoy!


  1. Very nice..will try making one as soon as possible...hope it will turn out right...hehehe

    1. Thanks, Jo! ^__^ Don't forget to take a picture. I wanna see how it goes!

    2. hahaha...will do...thanks again...

  2. yummy yummy! i'll try this too...=)
