Feel at home...

This blog serves as my public diary. I'll post stuff here that I would want to refer back to as the years pass. ^_^

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Beauty/Food Editor on the Rise

Hi, girls and occasional guys!

Welcome to Beauty Miser. I have created this blog for the benefit of those who are just like me: addicted to either FOOD or COSMETICS -- or both. I aim to educate my audience about international cuisine and also, what types of makeup out there are inexpensively gooood.  *two thumbs up*

Now why "Beauty Miser"? Sounds like a machine that can make you beautiful, right? Hehe. Well, that's one reason why I picked the name. Also, I am using 'miser' here in the most positive connotation available: someone who is frugal or likes to save money. I hate buying cosmetics that are not worth the cents I have in my pocket, so I tend to go for those that are inexpensive yet still deliver! Hence, prepare for some reviews on the way. I shall also show some makeup before's and after's so you guys can see how the products I buy work.

As for those who are here for the food? Pictures will be falling from the sky as I show you what's available from the places I have traveled/traveling to and EASY RECIPES (Yey!) will be coming your way as soon as I concoct my experiments in the kitchen. So stay tuned and be sure to follow me if you like what you see!

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